??65?? "????????????????"(Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective )
??66?? "??????"(Code Complete)
??67?? "??????(?????)"(Refactoring workbook)
??68?? "???????????——????·"(Programming Language Pragmatics )
??69?? "????????????????--C++/C????"
??70?? "C???????(?????)"
??71?? "C++???????"
??72?? "C++?????????????"(Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition )
??73?? "C++ Gotchas(????)"(C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design )
??74?? "Essential C++ ?????"(Essential C++)
??75?? "C++???????"(C++ FAQs (2nd Edition) )
??76?? "C++ Templates?????"(C++ Templates: The Complete Guide )
??77?? "C++????????—????????ο????"(The C++ Standard Library)
??78?? "C++ STL(?????)"(C++ Standard Template Library )
??79?? "????????STL"(Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library )
??80?? "C++???????"(Multi-Paradigm Design for C++ )
??81?? "C++???????(?????????????????)"(Modern C++ Design : Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied)
??82?? "C++????"(Ruminations on C++)
??83?? "Accelerated C++ ?????"(Accelerated C++)
??84?? "Advanced C++ ?????"(Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms )
??85?? "Exceptional C++(?????)" "More Exceptional C++(????)" (Exceptional C++?? More Exceptional C++)
??86?? "C++?????÷? —— ???????????÷????????" (C++ Strategies and Tactics )
??87?? "??????C++???????"(Inside The C++ Object Model)
??88?? "Applied C++ ?????——???????????????ü???"(Applied C++: practical techniques for building better software )
??89?? "C++??Ч????????????????"(C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization)
??90?? "???C++??????????"(Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques)
??91?? "???????????Ч??????"(Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage )
??92?? "????C++???????" ( large-Scale C++ Software Design)
??93?? "Java???????(??????)"(The Java Programming Language??Third Edition )
??94?? "UML Java????????"(UML For Java Programmers)
??95?? "?? Java 2 ???????"(Core Java 2)
??96?? "Java???????"(The Art of Java)
??97?? "J2EE??????(????2??)"(Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies?? Second Edition)
??98?? "??ó?????????"(Debugging Applications)
??99?? "???????"(Software Testing A Craftsmaj's Approach(Second Edition)
??100?? "???????????????"(Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing:A People-Oriented Approach)
??101?? "????????—?????????????????"(Function Point Analysis:Measurement Practices for Successful Software Projects)
??102?? "??顢??????????????—????????????????????(??3??)"(Handbook of Walkthroughs??Inspections??and Technical Reviews:Evaluating Programs??Projects??and Products??3rd ed. )
??103?? "???ù???????????"(Configuration Management Principles and Practice)
??104?? "???????????"(Software Release Methodology)
??105?? "Lex ?? Yacc(?????)"(Lex & Yacc??Second Edition )
??106?? "??TCP/IP???????????"(TCP/IP???綏??????)(Internetworking With TCP/IP)
??107?? "TCP/IP·?????"(Routing TCP/IP)
??108?? "Windows ???????(??5??)(????2?)"(Programming Windows (Fifth Edition) )
??109?? ".NET?????????Visual C++???"(.NET Architecture and Programming using Visual C++ )
??110?? "Microsoft .NET?????????????" (Programming Microsoft .NET)
??111?? "Microsoft C# Windows???????(????2?)"
??112?? "???? C++ CORBA ??????"(Advanced CORBA Programming with C++)
??113?? "?????????"(Computer Graphics)
??114?? "???????????C?????(??2??"???????)"(Computer Graphics: C Version?? Second Edition )
??115?? "?????????(??????)"(Computer Graphics with OpenGL?? 3e)
??116?? "Windows????????????(?????)"(Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus?? 2nd)
??117?? "??????????????????"(Ultimate Game Design: Building Game Worlds)
??118?? "?????????????"(The Art of Assembly Language )
??119?? "????????D?D?????????"(Exploiting Software:how to break code)
??120?? "??д????????"(Writing secure Code)
??121?? "????????(Э??????C?????)"(Applied Cryptography:Protocols??Algorithms??and Source Code in C)
??122?? "????????????????"(Secrets and Lies:Digital Security in a Networked World)
??123?? "?????????????"(Data Warehouse Project Management)
??124?? "??????????????"(Data Mining??Concepts and Techniques)
??125?? "???????"(Artifical Intelligence: A new Synthesis)
??126?? "?????????" (Neural Network Design)
??127?? "???????"(Grid Computing)
??128?? "??????????—??????????"(workflow management:models??methods??and systems)