??? ??????????????
??1?? "???????????"(The Psychology of Computer Programming : Silver Anniversary Edition)
??2?? "??????????"(An Introduction to Systems Thinking?? Silver Anniversary Edition)
??3?? "????????????"( General Principles of Systems Design)
??4?? "?????????????(??1??)—— ????"(Quality Software Management:Systems Thinking)
??5?? "???????——?????????л?????"(Becoming A Technical Leader:An Organic Problem Solving Approach)
??6?? "?????????????????????????????"( Are Your Lights On? How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is)
??7?? "????????????"(The Pragmatic Programmer)
??8?? "???????:?????????????" (Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects)
??9?? "??????????: ??????????????????"( The Fifth Discipline)

???? ????????????
??10?? "????????????????"(The Art of Computer Programming)
??11?? "?????????????"(Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective )
??12?? "??????"(Introduction to Algorithms?? Second Edition)
??13?? "????????????? —— C????????(????2??) "(Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C?? Second Edition)
??14?? "????????????????????(??2??)"(Introduction to Automata Theory?? Languages?? and Computation(Second Edition))
??15?? "?????????????(???????)"(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications??Fourth Edition)
??16?? "???????"(Compilers: Principles?? Techniques and Tools)
??17?? "?????????"(Modern Operating System)
??18?? "?????????(??4??)"(Computer Networks)
??19?? "???????????(??7??)"(An Introduction to Database Systems(Seventh Edition))

???? ??????????
??20?? "???"(Peopleware : Productive Projects and Teams?? 2nd Ed.)
??21?? "????? —— ??????????????"( The Peopleware Papers: Notes on the Human Side of Software)
??22?? "??????"(The Mythical Man-Month)
??23?? "??????? — ???????о?????(????5??)"(Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach?? Fifth Edition)
??24?? "??????????-??????????"(Agile Software Development: Principles?? Patterns?? and Practices)
??25?? "?滮??????"(  Planning Extreme Programming)
??26?? "RUP????(????3??)"(The Rational Unified Process:An Introduction??Third Edition )
??27?? "?????????????"(The Unified Software Development Process)

??? ???????
??28?? "?????????????????"(Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design)
??29?? "??д??Ч????"(Writing Effective Use Cases )

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??30?? "?????????????????"
??31?? "??????????????(????.??2??)"(Object-Oriented Software Construction??Second Edition )
??32?? "???????????????(????2??)"(Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications??2E )
??33?? "UML?????????????"(Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML)
??34?? "UML???? —— ??????????????????(??2??)"(UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (2nd Edition))
??35?? "UML???????(????2??)"(Applying UML and Patterns:An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process??Second Edition )
??36?? "?????????"(Design Patterns Explained)
??37?? "?????:????????????????????"(  Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented software)
??38?? "???????????????? ??1:????"( Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture?? Volume 1: A System of Patterns)
??39?? "???????????"(Bringing Design to Software)

???? ???????
??40?? "??????"(Programming Pearls Second Edition )
??41?? "C???????????(??2????°?)"(The C Programming Language )
??42?? "C++ ???????????(????)"(The C++ Programming Language?? Special Edition)
??43?? "C++ Primer (3RD)"
??44?? "C++????????????"(The Design and Evolution of C++)
??45?? "C++ ??????(2ND)"(Thinking in C++ Second Edition)
??46?? "Effective C++" & "More Effective C++"
??47?? "C++??????? "(The Art of C++ )
??48?? "Java ??????:??3??"( Thinking in Java?? Third Edition)
??49?? "Effective Java"

??? ???????
??50?? "????????????(?????)"(Test-driven development:by example )
??51?? "??????????????"(Testing Object-Oriented System: Models?? Patterns?? and Tools)
??52?? "??????????Java?? —— ???Junit"/ "??????????C#??——???NUnit" (Pragmatic Unit Testing:In Java with JUnit / Pragmatic Unit Testing:In C# with NUnit)

??? ???????????
??53?? "???????????д???????"(Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code)
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??54?? "?汾??????? —— ???CVS"(????????????????????:Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS)