???????????? ???????[ 2017/7/5 13:27:33 ] ??????????????? ??????? ???????
???? public class MathCheckerTest {
???? private int inputNumber;
???? private Boolean expected;
???? private MathChecker mathChecker;
???? @Before
???? public void setup(){
???? mathChecker = new MathChecker();
???? }
???? // Inject via constructor
???? public MathCheckerTest(int inputNumber?? Boolean expected) {
???? this.inputNumber = inputNumber;
???? this.expected = expected;
???? }
???? @Parameterized.Parameters
???? public static Collection<Object[]> getTestData() {
???? return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
???? {1?? true}??
???? {2?? false}??
???? {3?? true}??
???? {4?? false}??
???? {5?? true}
???? });
???? }
???? @Test
???? public void testisOdd() {
???? System.out.println("Running test for:"+inputNumber);
???? assertEquals(mathChecker.isOdd(inputNumber)?? expected);
???? }
???? }
????public class StringUtil {
???? public String concat(String a??String b) {
???? return a + b;
???? }
???? }
???? public void testStringUtil_Bad() {
???? String result = stringUtil.concat("Hello "?? "World");
???? System.out.println("Result is "+result);
???? }
???? @Test
???? public void testStringUtil_Good() {
???? String result = stringUtil.concat("Hello "?? "World");
???? assertEquals("Hello World"?? result);
???? }
public class DemoLogic {
???? private void veryComplexFunction(){
???? //This is a complex function that has a lot of database access and is time consuming
???? //To demo this method?? I am going to add a Thread.sleep for a random number of milliseconds
???? try {
???? int time = (int) (Math.random()*100);
???? Thread.sleep(time);
???? } catch (InterruptedException e) {
???? // TODO Auto-generated catch block
???? e.printStackTrace();
???? }
???? }
???? public long calculateTime(){
???? long time = 0;
???? long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
???? veryComplexFunction();
???? long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
???? time = after - before;
???? return time;
???? }
???? }
iOS???????mocha??chai??sinon??istanbul?????????????????????????????????????Android?????????Robolectric3.0????(?)???Kiwi?????????????????????????????????Python?????????????????????????????????????Controller????????д?????????10???????????????????Angular????????????Component??Directive??Pipe ???ServiceAndroid????????????????????????????????--Mockito??????iOS UnitTest???????Vue?????????????????Vue ????????????????

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11????????
?????????App Bug???????????????????????Jmeter?????????QC??????APP????????????????app?????е????????jenkins+testng+ant+webdriver??????????????JMeter????HTTP???????Selenium 2.0 WebDriver ??????