????λ?????????? >> ??????????
???????????? ???????[ 2014/8/4 11:53:23 ] ????????bug TestLink ???????
????var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'php' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | perl | php | py
????var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'php' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | php
????$Config['Enabled'] = true ;
????1.??? hird_partyfckeditorfckconfig.js????????php??
???????// FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Add( /< [sS]* >/g ) ; // PHP style. server side code?????
??????var _FileBrowserLanguage = ‘asp’ ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | perl | php | py
????var _QuickUploadLanguage = ‘asp’ ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | php
????2.??? hird_partyfckeditoreditorfilemanagerrowserdefaultconnectorsphpconfig.php
????$Config['Enabled'] = false ;
???????$Config['Enabled'] = true ;
????$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/' ;
???????$Config['UserFilesPath'] = 'TestLink_upload/' ;
????$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = '' ;
???????$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = 'C:\www\testlink\TestLink_upload\' ;
????3.??? hird_partyfckeditoreditorfilemanageruploadphpconfig.php
????$Config['Enabled'] = false ;
???????$Config['Enabled'] = true ;
????$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/' ;
???????$Config['UserFilesPath'] = 'TestLink_upload/' ;
????$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = '' ;
???????$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = 'C:\www\testlink\TestLink_upload\' ;
????4. ?????????1-2С????????Ч??(??????????????apache??????????????Ч?????????2?ζ??????)????????鷢???????????
????$g_use_ext_js_library = ENABLED;
????$g_tpl['tcView'] = "tcView.tpl";
????$g_tpl['tcSearchView'] = "tcSearchView.tpl";
????$g_tpl['tcEdit'] = "tcEdit.tpl";
????$g_tpl['tcNew'] = "tcNew.tpl";
????$g_tpl['execSetResults'] = "execSetResults.tpl";
????ENABLED -> enable XML-RPC calls
????DISABLED -> disable
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->enable_test_automation = DISABLED;
????$att_model_m1 -> shows upload button and title
????$att_model_m2 -> hides upload button and title [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->att_model = $att_model_m2;
????ENABLED -> User can delete an execution result
????DISABLED -> User can not. [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->can_delete_execution = DISABLED;
????ASC -> ???????????????
????DESC ->??????????????????????
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->history_order = ‘DESC’;
????TRUE -> the whole execution history for the build will be shown
????FALSE -> just last execution will be shown [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->history_on = FALSE;
????TRUE -> test case VERY LAST (i.e. in any build) execution status will be displayed
????FALSE -> only last result on current build. [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->show_last_exec_any_build = FALSE;
????TRUE -> History for all builds will be shown
????FALSE -> Only history of the current build will be shown [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->show_history_all_builds = FALSE;
????8.2. ??????е???
????ENABLED -> ?????????? [DEFAULT VALUE]
????DISABLED -> disable
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->enable_tree_testcases_colouring = ENABLED;
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->enable_tree_counters_colouring = ENABLED;
??????????????????β?????test suite??????????frame????£?Disabling?????????????????????????
????ENABLED -> ??????в???????
????DISABLED -> ??????????????????????????????????????????
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->show_testsuite_contents = DISABLED;
????ENABLED -> user can edit execution notes?? on old executions (Attention: user must have test case execution right)
????DISABLED -> no edit allowed [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->exec_cfg->edit_notes = DISABLED;
????'all' -> ???в???????.
????'assigned_to_me' ->???????????????????? [DEFAULT VALUE]
????'assigned_to_me_or_free' -> ??????????????δ????
????'all' -> all test cases.
????'assigned_to_me' -> test cases assigned to the current user. [DEFAULT VALUE]
????'assigned_to_me_or_free' -> test cases assigned to logged user or not assigned
????'logged_user' -> ??????????
????'none' -> ???????????[DEFAULT VALUE]
????Priority = (urgency x importance)
????LOW = ???в???????????? < LOW_Threshold HIGH =???в????????????>= HIGH_Threshold
????MEDIUM =???в????????????>= LOW_Threshold AND ????? < HIGH_Threshold $tlCfg->urgencyImportance_LOW_Threshold = 3;
????$tlCfg->urgencyImportance_HIGH_Threshold = 6;
????custom_config.inc.php <-- ???????????????????????
????locale/en_GB/custom_strings.txt <-- ?????????ò???? strings.txt gui/themes/theme_m2/css/testlink.css ???ù???? 1. ?? cfg/const.inc.php ????????: $tlCfg->results['status_code']
????2. ???????????е? custom_config.inc.php???:
????$tlCfg->results['status_code'] = array (
????"failed" => 'f'??
????"blocked" => 'b'??
????"passed" => 'p'??
????"not_run" => 'n'??
????"not_available" => 'x'??
????"unknown" => 'u'??
????"all" => 'all'
????$tlCfg->results['status_label'] = array(
????"all" => "test_status_all_status"??
????"not_run" => "test_status_not_run"??
????"passed" => "test_status_passed"??
????"failed" => "test_status_failed"??
????"blocked" => "test_status_blocked"??
????"not_available" => "test_status_not_available"??
????"unknown" => "test_status_unknown"
????$tlCfg->results['status_label_for_exec_ui'] = array(
????"passed" => "test_status_passed"??
????"failed" => "test_status_failed"??
????"blocked" => "test_status_blocked"
????$tlCfg->results['default_status'] = "passed";
????3. ????????????????:
????tcstatus_1 -> code q
????tcstatus_2 -> code w
????4. custom_config.inc.php ??????:
????$tlCfg->results['status_code'] = array (
????"failed" => 'f'??
????"blocked" => 'b'??
????"passed" => 'p'??
????"not_run" => 'n'??
????"not_available" => 'x'??
????"unknown" => 'u'??
????"all" => 'all'??
????"tcstatus_1" => 'q'??
????"tcstatus_2" => 'w'
????$tlCfg->results['status_label'] = array(
????"all" => "test_status_all_status"??
????"not_run" => "test_status_not_run"??
????"passed" => "test_status_passed"??
????"failed" => "test_status_failed"??
????"blocked" => "test_status_blocked"??
????"not_available" => "test_status_not_available"??
????"unknown" => "test_status_unknown"??
????"tcstatus_1" => "test_status_new_one"??
????"tcstatus_2" => "test_status_new_two"
????$tlCfg->results['status_label_for_exec_ui'] = array(
????"passed" => "test_status_passed"??
????"failed" => "test_status_failed"??
????"blocked" => "test_status_blocked"??
????"tcstatus_1" => "test_status_new_one"??
????"tcstatus_2" => "test_status_new_two"
????$tlCfg->results['default_status'] = "blocked";
????5. ??? css ?????????μ???????.
????.tcstatus_1?? div.tcstatus_1 {
????color: black;
????background: yellow;
????.tcstatus_2?? div.tcstatus_2 {
????color: black;
????background: orange;
????div.tcstatus_1?? div.tcstatus_2 {
????margin: 8px;
????padding: 6px;
????text-align: center;
????'horizontal' - steps and expected results panes are side-by-side????
????'vertical' - steps pane is above the expected results (default behaviour) ???
????$g_spec_cfg->steps_results_layout = 'vertical';
????ENABLED -> User will see a test suite filter (default behaviour)
????DISABLED -> no filter available
????$g_spec_cfg->show_tsuite_filter = ENABLED;
????ENABLED -> ????????????????????
????DISABLED -> ???????????£???????
????$g_spec_cfg->automatic_tree_refresh = ENABLED;
????ENABLED -> user can edit executed Test case versions
????DISABLED -> editing of executed Test case versions is blocked. [DEFAULT VALUE]
????$tlCfg->testcase_cfg->can_edit_executed = DISABLED;
????$tlCfg->testcase_cfg->can_remove_executed = ENABLED;
????'none' ->??岻????????????????[DEFAULT VALUE]
????'string' -> ?????????????? FCK object
????'string_id' -> value member is used in a lang_get() call?? and return value is assigned to FCK object. ???? string_id ????? custom_strings.txt
????'file' -> value member is used as file name. The file is read and it's contents assigned to a text area component as input
????$g_testcase_template->summary->type = 'string';
????$g_testcase_template->summary->value = '
????Objective: TBD
????$g_testcase_template->steps->type = 'none';
????$g_testcase_template->steps->value = '';
????$g_testcase_template->expected_results->type = 'none';
????$g_testcase_template->expected_results->value = '';
????User can define the initial content of a new Test Suite description similar way:
????$g_testsuite_template->details->value='D:w3 lhead_20080103logs suite.txt';
????$g_attachments->enabled = TRUE; ??true or false???????????????????
????TL_REPOSITORY_TYPE_DB => database
????TL_REPOSITORY_TYPE_FS => filesystem
????$g_repositoryType = TL_REPOSITORY_TYPE_FS;?????????
????$g_repositoryPath = TL_ABS_PATH . "upload_area" . DS;?????????洢·??????????·?????????????
????$g_repositoryCompressionType = TL_REPOSITORY_COMPRESSIONTYPE_NONE;
????????????php???? (??????? 2MBs)
????// TRUE -> ??????????????б???????true
????$g_attachments->allow_empty_title = TRUE;
????// 'none' -> д??db????????
????// 'use_filename' ->???????????????
????'show_icon' ->???$g_attachments->access_icon ?????.
????'show_label' -> $g_attachments->access_string ???????? .
????$g_attachments->order_by=" ORDER BY date_added DESC ";
????ENABLED: ????N????
????DISABLED: ?????
????$tlCfg->req_cfg->child_requirements_mgmt = DISABLED;
????TRUE -> req_doc_id ?????? DB (system_wide)?????
????FALSE -> req_doc_id ??SRS?????
????$g_req_cfg->reqdoc_id->is_system_wide = FALSE;
????????????????????srs????????????????requirement????test case????????????????????????
????$g_req_cfg->use_req_spec_as_testsuite_name = TRUE;
??????FALSE -> test cases??????????????$g_req_cfg->default_testsuite_name??????test suite??
????TRUE -> REQuirement Specification ???? ????????? testsuite ???????
????$g_req_cfg->default_testsuite_name = "Test suite created by Requirement - Auto";

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11????????
?????????App Bug???????????????????????Jmeter?????????QC??????APP????????????????app?????е????????jenkins+testng+ant+webdriver??????????????JMeter????HTTP???????Selenium 2.0 WebDriver ??????