???????????? ???????[ 2014/3/27 11:12:55 ] ??????????????? Android ???
????????? ??????У? logcat main ?? logcat radio ?? logcat events ?? tcpdump ?????и???????????QXDM ???
????????? ???У? adb shell cat /proc/kmsg ?? adb shell dmesg ?? adb shell dumpstate ?? adb shell dumpsys ?? adb bugreport ??????????
????l ?????
????adb logcat -b main -v time>app.log ?????ó???? log
????adb logcat -b radio -v time> radio.log ?????????? log ?? SIM STK ????????棬 modem ????ATcommand ???????? QXDM ????????
????adb logcat -b events -v time ??????????????????紥???????????
????tcpdump ????????????? TCP/IP Э?????????????????????? adb shell tcpdump -s 10000 -w /sdcard/capture.pcap ??????? mms ????????? UA profile ?? browser ???????????? proxy ?? APN ????? streaming ???????????? UA profile ???
?????????????? QXDM ??????????? Android ?????????о???????????????????????????????о??????????????????????????????????綽???????? ... ??????????????????????????????(QXDM ?? LOG????????ο? QPST?? QXDM????????????????? )
????l ?????
????o bugreport ?????? adb bugreport>bugreport.log) ??????????? dmesg ?? dumpstate ?? dumpsys ??
????o dumpstate ???????????????????????????????????????? cpu ????? logcat ???棬 kernel ???????
????o adb shell dumpsys ?????????? service ???????????????棬????????и??????÷??????? adb shell dumpsys meminfo system ??? system ??? process ??????????
????o kmsg ??
????adb shell cat /proc/kmsg > kmsg.txt ??????? msm_kgsl ???
?????????????????? printk ??????????????κ???????????????г??????????????????????????????????????? syslog ??????Щ??????????????? dmesg ????????? klogd ??????Щ????? proc ????????????? ?? ??ζ???? kmsg ?????????????????????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????????????????????????? ( ???????Ч???? )?? ????????ζ????????????? ??????????????? ?? ???????????С???? ?? ??????????????????д???? ?? ????????????????? . ???????? /proc/kmsg ?????????и?????????? ?? ????е?? ??????????????
????o dmsg ??
????adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt
????????? dmesg ???????????????? kernel ??????????洢?? ring buffer ?С?????????????????????????????? dmesg ?????? dmesg ?? kernel ?? log ??????? kernel ????????? driver ??????????????????? usb ???????????????????????? /var/log ???У?????? dmesg ??????? more /var/log/dmesg
????o ???????? log ????
???????? Apollo ??????? *#*#8888#*#* ?? ????????? LOG ???????????????? SD ?????? LOG ??PC.
????Get Log from Android System
????adb bugreport > bugreport.txt
????copy bugreport to the current directory.
????bugreport ???????????? log ??? ?? ???? log ????????????????????????????? .
???????????? :
????1.adb shell 2. ???????????????? 3. ???????? 4. ?????????
??????????????????????? 1.adb shell 2. ???? ps -P 3. ????????????????
????Log Archive Analysis
????bugreport ??? android ???????? log?? ????????????? ?? ?????????б?????????? VM ???????.

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11