???????????? ???????[ 2014/2/24 13:42:41 ] ???????????????
- (void)testPushANumberAndGetIt {
VVStack *stack = [VVStack new];
[stack push:2.3];
double topNumber = [stack top];
XCTAssertEqual(topNumber?? 2.3?? @"VVStack should can be pushed and has that top value.");
@interface VVStack : NSObject
- (void)push:(double)num;
- (double)top;
@implementation VVStack
- (void)push:(double)num {
- (double)top {
return 2.3;
????- (void)testPushANumberAndGetIt {
????[stack push:4.6];
????topNumber = [stack top];
????XCTAssertEqual(topNumber?? 4.6?? @"Top value of VVStack should be the last num pushed into it");

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