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'# Function A_Focus(strCaption as String) as Integer
'# Focus object
'# [In] strCaption e.g.??"CPN_DESKTOP"
'# true success
'# false fail
'# (none)
'# return = A_Focus("CPN_DESKTOP")
'# Orig Author: XX)
'# Orig Date: May 09?? 2005
'# History:
'# May 09?? 2005 Original Release
'# Apr 17?? 2006 XX If the window state is minimized?? then restore the position.
Function A_Focus(strCaption as String) as Integer
Dim Result as Integer
Result=SQAWaitForObject(";type=window;Caption=" &strCaption?? 20000)
If Result<> sqaSuccess Then
A_Focus= false
Exit Function
' If the window state is minimized?? then restore it.
Dim state As String
result = SQAGetProperty(";type=window;Caption=" &strCaption?? "WindowState"?? state)
' Valid WindowState:
' 0 : Normal
' 1 : Minimized
' 2 : Maximized
If (state = "1") Then
Window SetContext?? "Caption=" &strCaption ?? ""
Window RestorePos?? ""?? ""
End If
A_Focus= true
Window SetContext?? "Caption=" &strCaption ?? ""
End If
End Function
'# Function A_WaitWindowAppear(caption As String?? Optional Timeout As Variant) As Integer
'# Wait for the object to appear
'# [In] caption caption title
'# [In] Timeout time out
'# result = A_WaitWindowAppear("Type=CheckBox;WindowIndex=19")
'# Orig Author: XX
'# Orig Date: Apr 05?? 2006
'# History:
'# June 08?? 2005 Original Release
Function A_WaitWindowAppear(caption As String??Optional Timeout As Variant) As Integer
If A_WaitForObject(";Type=window;Caption=" & caption??Timeout) = sqaSuccess Then
A_WaitWindowAppear = True
Window SetContext?? "Caption=" &caption ?? ""
Exit Function
A_WaitWindowAppear = false
SQALogMessage sqaWarning?? "Caption [" & caption & "] has not appeared" ?? ""
End If
End Function
'# Function A_WaitWindowDisappear(recMethod As String?? Optional Timeout As Variant) As Integer
'# Wait for the Window to disappear
'# result = A_WaitWindowDisappear("Type=CheckBox;WindowIndex=19")
'# Orig Author: XX
'# Orig Date: June 08?? 2005
'# History:
'# June 08?? 2005 Original Release
Function A_WaitWindowDisappear(recMethod As String?? Optional Timeout As Variant) As Integer
A_WaitWindowDisappear = A_WaitObjectDisappear(";type=window;Caption=" & recMethod?? Timeout)
End Function

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