???????????? ???????[ 2013/7/3 11:26:27 ] ????????
????Linux??????????????????????????洢??????????????????????????ж??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Linux???????н??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Щ?????????????????????0??????idle???????1??????init???? ??????????????????????????????????????????????
* Saving eflags is important. It switches not only IOPL between tasks??
* it also protects other tasks from NT leaking through sysenter etc.
#define switch_to(prev?? next?? last)
do {
* Context-switching clobbers all registers?? so we clobber
* them explicitly?? via unused output variables.
* (EAX and EBP is not listed because EBP is saved/restored
* explicitly for wchan access and EAX is the return value of
* __switch_to())
unsigned long ebx?? ecx?? edx?? esi?? edi;
asm volatile("pushfl
" /* save flags */
"pushl %%ebp
" /* save EBP */
"movl %%esp??%[prev_sp]
" /* save ESP */
"movl %[next_sp]??%%esp
" /* restore ESP */
"movl $1f??%[prev_ip]
" /* save EIP */
"pushl %[next_ip]
" /* restore EIP */
"jmp __switch_to
" /* regparm call */
"1: "
"popl %%ebp
" /* restore EBP */
" /* restore flags */
/* output parameters */
: [prev_sp] "=m" (prev->thread.sp)??
[prev_ip] "=m" (prev->thread.ip)??
"=a" (last)??
/* clobbered output registers: */
"=b" (ebx)?? "=c" (ecx)?? "=d" (edx)??
"=S" (esi)?? "=D" (edi)
/* input parameters: */
: [next_sp] "m" (next->thread.sp)??
[next_ip] "m" (next->thread.ip)??
/* regparm parameters for __switch_to(): */
[prev] "a" (prev)??
[next] "d" (next)
: /* reloaded segment registers */
} while (0)

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11