???????????? ???????[ 2013/4/17 9:53:25 ] ????????
public class MyTest implements Comparable<MyTest> {
private int key;
public MyTest(int key) {
this.key = key;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof MyTest))
return false;
MyTest t = (MyTest)o;
System.out.println("equals of MyTest is called here.");
return key == t.key;
public int compareTo(MyTest o) {
return key - o.key;
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeMap<MyTest??Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest??Integer>();
tm.put(new MyTest(5)?? 5);
tm.put(new MyTest(2)?? 2);
tm.put(new MyTest(10)?? 10);
tm.put(new MyTest(10)?? 20);
for (Entry<MyTest??Integer> e : tm.entrySet())
System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey().key + "?? Value = " + e.getValue());
//compareTo of MyTest is called here.
???? //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
???? //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
???? //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
???? //Key = 2?? Value = 2
???? //Key = 5?? Value = 5
???? //Key = 10?? Value = 20
public class MyTest {
private int key;
public MyTest(int key) {
this.key = key;
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeMap<MyTest??Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest??Integer>(new Comparator<MyTest>() {
public int compare(MyTest first??MyTest second) {
System.out.println("compare of Comparator is called here.");
return first.key - second.key;
tm.put(new MyTest(5)?? 5);
tm.put(new MyTest(2)?? 2);
tm.put(new MyTest(10)?? 10);
for (Entry<MyTest??Integer> e : tm.entrySet())
System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey().key + "?? Value = " + e.getValue());
//compare of Comparator is called here.
????//compare of Comparator is called here.
???? //Key = 2?? Value = 2
???? //Key = 5?? Value = 5
???? //Key = 10?? Value = 10
????template <class Key?? class Type?? class Traits = less<Key>?? class Allocator=allocator<pair <const Key?? Type> > > class map
1 template<class _Ty>
2 struct less : public binary_function<_Ty?? _Ty?? bool> {
3 bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left?? const _Ty& _Right) const {
4 return (_Left < _Right);
5 }
6 };

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