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public class TestLibrary
public UserHelper UserHelper { get; private set; }
public BlogHelper BlogHelper { get; private set; }
public CommentHelper CommentHelper { get; private set; }
public Blog DefaultBlog { get; private set; }
public Post DefaultPost { get; private set; }
public ISelenium Selenium { get; private set; }
public string SiteUrl { get; private set; }
public class Consts
public const string TimeToWaitForPageToLoad = "30000";
public const string AdminUserName = "administrator";
public const string ContributorUser = "Contributor1";
public const string AuthorUser = "Author1";
public const string ModeratorUser = "Moderator1";
public const string EditorUser = "Editor1";
public const string CommonPassword = "0123456";
public const string AdminPassword = "0123456";
public const string DefaultSeleniumHost = "localhost";
public const int DefaultSeleniumPort = 4444;
public const string DefaultBrowser = "*firefox";
public const string DefaultSite = "http://localhost:30320";
public TestLibrary(ISelenium selenium)
this.UserHelper = new UserHelper(this);
this.BlogHelper = new BlogHelper(this);
this.CommentHelper = new CommentHelper(this);
Selenium = selenium;
private void InitialDefaultSiteDate()
DefaultBlog = new Blog(this?? "Default Test Blog"?? "default-test-blog"?? "Default Test Blog"?? Consts.AdminUserName);
DefaultPost = new Post(this?? new PostSettings()
Title = "Default Test Post"??
Permalink = "default-test-post"??
Body = "This is for web site testing purpose."??
Tags = "Test"??
PublishSetting = PostSettings.PublishSettings.PublishNow
public static TestLibrary SetupTest(TestContext testContext)
if (testContext != null && testContext.DataRow != null && testContext.DataRow.Table.Columns.Contains("seleniumHost"))
return SetupTest(testContext.DataRow["seleniumHost"].ToString()??
return SetupTest(Consts.DefaultSeleniumHost?? Consts.DefaultSeleniumPort??
Consts.DefaultBrowser?? Consts. DefaultSite);
public static TestLibrary SetupTest(string seleniumHost?? int seleniumPort??
string browser?? string site)
var selenium = new DefaultSelenium(
seleniumHost?? seleniumPort?? browser?? site);
return new TestLibrary(selenium) { SiteUrl = site };
public void Shutdown()
catch (Exception)
// Ignore errors if unable to close the browser

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