???????????? ???????[ 2012/10/8 9:22:38 ] ????????
????Chris?????????????????????????????????????????"copy tcp packet"??????????????????????????????????????????????!
????5 LoadUI/soapUI http://www.loadui.org/About-loadUI/gallery.html
????loadUI. The art of Load Testing.
????loadUI is a open source Load Testing solution that is free and cross-platform. With a visual?? drag-and-drop interface?? it allows you to create?? configure and redistribute your Load Tests interactively and in real-time. In a single test environment?? loadUI provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. And it’s so powerful?? it generates scalable?? high-volume and real-world load from any number of local and remote computers. Meet loadUI?? the future of Load Testing.
????Chris?????LoadUI???X??????????????????????????????????JavaFX??!!! ????????????????????????t??黹??????????и??????????
????6 ????? Tsung http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/
????Tsung is an open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool
????It can be used to stress HTTP?? WebDAV?? SOAP?? PostgreSQL?? MySQL?? LDAP and Jabber/XMPP servers. Tsung is a free software released under the GPLv2 license.
????The purpose of Tsung is to simulate users in order to test the scalability and performance of IP based client/server applications. You can use it to do load and stress testing of your servers. Many protocols have been implemented and tested?? and it can be easily extended.
????It can be distributed on several client machines and is able to simulate hundreds of thousands of virtual users concurrently (or even millions if you have enough hardware ...).
????Tsung is developed in Erlang?? an open-source language made by Ericsson for building robust fault-tolerant distributed applications.
????Chris?????Tsung ??????????????й??????????erlang?????????????????????£?
????1 erlang
????2 perl5
????- Template Toolkit
????3 gnuplot
????- libpng
????- libgd
????- fonts:http://www.my-guides.net/en/images/stories/fedora12/msttcore-fonts-2.0-3.noarch.rpm
????4 python
????- numpy
????- matplotlib
?????????????????????????????????????????cd??log?????????????"python -m simpleHttpServer" ???????????????????? ip:8000 ????????
????????????????????????????????? ??????????????д?????????controller??listener?????в???????????/??????

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