????Surface Painting & Silk-screen Test ??NORMAN Tool Inc??RCA#7-IBB?????????????????????175g??NTI??11/16??????????17Cycle/min?????????16cm????????350??(?????????HAIER????????????500??)??


????Salt Fog Test ?????/ Temp & Humid: +35?棬 85%RH?? pH=6.5~7.2??

??????????/ Fallout rate=1.0~2.0 ml/80cm2/h??

???????????/ Duration: 48h??


????Unpacked Drop Test ?????棬???/ Drop height:  (165 cm)??????????????????/Onetime for each face with opened flip??

???????????????????/ One time for each face with closed flip??


????Unpacked Bump Test ??????????????/ Spectrum: ??????/ Half sine??

???????????/ Duration: 6ms??

?????????/ Acceleration: 250m/s2(Approximately 25g)??

????????/ Direction: 6 faces??

????????/ Number: ???????500??/ 500 bumps in each direction???/ Spectrum: ??????/ Halfsine??

???????????/ Duration: 6ms??

?????????/ Acceleration: 250m/s2 (Approximately 25g)??

????????/ Direction: 6 faces??

????????/ Number: ???????500??/ 500 bumps in each direction?? ???????????

????Test specification

????Test name


????Evaluate the shock resistance of an apparatus unpacked to resist a series of drop tests.


????1. STANDARD???

????This test is according to the standard NFC 20 732 equivalent to the standard CEI 68-2-32 ??????????????cei68-2-32????nfc20732??

????2. PRINCIPLE???

????The test samples suffer 14 successive drops with different angles on a pinewood board. ???????????14?????????????????????????

????3. DIRECTIONS FOR USE :??÷???

????3.1 Test surface???????

????Pinewood board of 5 cm thickness 5cm?????????

????3.2 Dropping height??????

????The height shall be measured from the part of the specimen nearest to the test surface?? when the specimen is suspended prior to letting it fall.

????It??s 1.5 m


????3.3 Method of release??????

????The method of releasing the specimen shall be such as to allow free fall from the position of suspension?? with a minimum of disturbance at the moment of release.


????3.4 Initial measurements??β???

????The specimen shall be visually examinated and electrically and mechanically checked. ?????????飬??????????е?????????

????Points to check :

????o Switch on and off the mobile???????

????o All buttons/keys are functioning.???е?????????????????

????o Transaction with SIM card????sim??

????o Check that all the pixels are functional (Use the specified function of the software for this test. Example for BE1 and BE3?? type 000000* then choose the function "checker"). ???????????[??ù??????????????????be1??be3]

????o Check the communication?????