?????Swati S/?????? ???????[ 2017/5/10 10:05:11 ] ?????????????? ??????? ???????
????1) Read Age
????2) If age>14
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
???????????? => Tips to design test data before executing your test cases ???????????????????????????????飩
??????????????????????????-??????mutants- variations???????????壨mutant?????????????д????????????????????self-seeded????
????· Arithmetic operator replacement
????· Logical connector replacement
????· Statement removal
????· Relational operator replacement
????· Absolute value insertion?? etc.
??????Щ?????????“Mutation Operators”??
????Mutant #1: Relational operator replacement
????1) Read Age
????2) If age<14 ‘Changing the > with <’
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #2:
????1) Read Age
????2) If age=14 ‘Changing the > with =’
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #3:
????1) Read Age
????2) If age>=14 ‘Changing the > with >=’
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #4:
????1) Read Age
????2) If age<=14 ‘Changing the > with <=’
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #5: Statement Removal
????1) Read Age
????2) If age=14
????3) ‘remove the doctor assignment statement’
????4) End if
????Mutant #6: Absolute Value Insertion
????1) Read Age
????2) If age>14
????3) Doctor= Mr.X (Absolute value insertion- let’s say X is a pediatrician)
????4) End if
????Mutant #7: Incorrect syntax
????1) Read Age
????2) If age%%14 (incorrect syntax)
????3) Doctor=General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #8: Does the same thing as the original test
????1) Read Age
????2) If age> 14 & age>14 ‘means the same thing as age>14’
????3) Doctor= General Physician()
????4) End if
????Mutant #5– ???????????????κ?????????????????????????????????????????Ч????Ч??????????????κα???
????Mutant #7– ????????????????????????????????????????????е????
????Mutant #8– ??????????????????
????· ??????/“Still-Born”????壺?????????????????塣?????Mutant 7
????· ??Ч????壺??Щ???????????????????????????????塣?????Mutant 8
????· ?????????????κ????????????????Mutant 5
????· ???????????????????С??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????á???????????????????????
????· ?????г?????????????????????б??????????????????仯???????????Щ????????????????
????· ?????????????ó???????????????????????????
????· ???????????λ????Щ?????????????ζ???????????????Ч??????壨??5??7??8???????????????????????????????????????????????
????· ??????????????????????????????????????????fault-injection????fault-seeding??????????????塣
????· ?к??????????????????????????????????????????
????Jester for JUnit
????Pester for Python
????MuClipse for eclipse?????
????· ????????????????????????????????????????д??????С?δ?????????ó???д????????
????· ???Ч??????????2?????????????γ??????????????????????????????????????????á?

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11