????????????? ???????[ 2017/2/7 10:19:03 ] ??????????????????? Java
??????????????(accessor method)????????????????????????e.g.getter()??????
?????????????(mutator method)???????????????????????e.g.setter()??????
???????????????????i.e. getter?????????????????????i.e.setter??????
????Java API?в???????????
????trim concat substring ????????String??????????String???????????Щ????????????????????????????μ????
// Point is a mutable class
class Point {
private int xPos?? yPos;
public Point(int x?? int y) {
xPos = x;
yPos = y;
public String toString() {
return "x = " + xPos + "?? y = " + yPos;
int getX() { return xPos; }
int getY() { return yPos; }
// ImmutableCircle is an immutable class – the state of its objects
// cannot be modified once the object is created
public final class ImmutableCircle {
private final Point center;
private final int radius;
public ImmutableCircle(int x?? int y?? int r) {
center = new Point(x?? y);
radius = r;
public String toString() {
return "center: " + center + " and radius = " + radius;
public int getRadius() {
return radius;
public Point getCenter() {
// return a copy of the object to avoid
// the value of center changed from code outside the class
return new Point(center.getX()?? center.getY());
public static void main(String []s) {
System.out.println(new ImmutableCircle(10?? 10?? 20));
// other members are elided ...
????center: x = 10?? y = 10 and radius = 20
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????· ??????????center??????????????????????????????getter?????У?????????point????????

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