?????Lucia ???????[ 2017/2/4 16:05:38 ] ??????????????? ???????
????PytheM?????Python?????????????????osnGNU/Linux OS???????С?
????$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install libasound-dev libjack-jackd2-dev portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libespeak1 libffi-dev libssl-dev $sudo git clone $cd PytheM $sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
????$sudo ./pythem
????pythem> set interface [+] Enter the interface: wlan0 pythem> set gateway [+] Enter the gateway: pythem> arpspoof start [+] Setting the packet forwarding. [+] Iptables redefined. [+] ARP spoofing initialized. pythem> sniff [+] Enter the filter: http
????pythem> set target [+] Enter the target(s): pythem> set interface wlan0 pythem> set gateway pythem> arpspoof start [+] Setting the packet forwarding. [+] Iptables redefined. [+] ARP spoofing initialized. pythem> dnsspoof start [+] Domain to be spoofed: [+] IP address to be redirected: [+] DNS spoofing initialized. pythem> sniff dns
????pythem> service ssh start pythem> set target [+] Enter the target(s): pythem> set file wordlist.txt pythem> brute-force ssh [+] Enter the username to bruteforce: anon123
??????????web??????????????id= value
????pythem> set target pythem> set file [+] Enter the path to the file: wordlist.txt pythem> brute-force webform [+] Brute-Form authentication initialized. [+] Enter the input id of the username box: vSIS_ID [+] Enter the input id of the password box: vSIS_PASS [+] Enter the username to brute-force the formulary: root
????pythem> set target [+] Enter the target(s): pythem> set file 1to100.txt pythem> brute-force url [+] Content URL bruter initialized.
????[ PytheM – Penetration Testing Framework v0.3.2 ]
????pythem> set interface | open input to set
????pythem> set interface wlan0 | don't open input to set value
????pythem> print gateway
????pythem> scan
????pythem> scan tcp
????????????arpspoofing????. (???rep??req????????arp?????????rep???????????req??????????
????arpspoof startarpspoof stop
???????dnsspoofing????. (?????arp?????????????????)????:
????pythem> dnsspoof startpythem> dnsspoof stop
????pythem> sniff http
????pythem> sniff
????[+] Enter the filter: port 1337 and host | tcpdump like format or http??dns specific filter.
????pythem> pforensicpforensic> help
????ssh | ?????IP???ip address as target url | ?????url (????http://??https://) webform | ?????url (????http://??https://)????: pythem> brute-force webform pythem> brute-force ssh
????pythem> geoip
????pythem> geoip
????decode and encode:
????pythem> decode base64pythem> encode ascii
????????base64 url?????cookie?????????:
????pythem> cookiedecode
????????????????????е?????????cd?? ls?? nano?? cat ???
????Jarvis – ???????????

2023/3/23 14:23:39???д?ò??????????
2023/3/22 16:17:39????????????????????Щ??
2022/6/14 16:14:27??????????????????????????
2021/10/18 15:37:44???????????????
2021/9/17 15:19:29???·???????·
2021/9/14 15:42:25?????????????
2021/5/28 17:25:47??????APP??????????
2021/5/8 17:01:11