?????????????????Cache Group??????????Oracle?????????TimesTen??????????????TimesTen??Oracle????????????

??????TimesTen DSN???????У?OracleNetServiceName???????Oracle??????????????????????????tnsnames.ora?У??????????Oracle?????????????????????????tnsnames.ora?? ????е?Oracle???????忽??????????????????????????RAC????????????е?tnsnames.ora??
?????????TimesTen????????????tnsnames.ora?????? ????????????????????????ttmodinstall??????????????磺
????[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ ttmodinstall
????The daemon for instance 'tt1122' is currently configured to use port 53392.
????Would you like to change this port? [ no ]
????The server for instance 'tt1122' is currently configured to use port 53393.
????Would you like to change this port? [ no ]
????TNS_ADMIN for the instance 'tt1122' is currently set to '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin'.
????Would you like to change TNS_ADMIN for this instance? [ yes ] 
????[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
????[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ ls $TNS_ADMIN
????listener.ora  samples  shrept.lst  sqlnet.ora  tnsnames.ora
????[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ ls $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
????$ cat $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
????# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
????# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
????TTORCL =
????(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
????(SID = orcl)
????[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ sqlplus / as sysdba@ttorcl
????SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jul 13 06:27:44 2016
????Copyright (c) 1982?? 2010?? Oracle.  All rights reserved.
????Connected to:
????Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
????With the Partitioning?? OLAP?? Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
????$ ttisql -v1 "uid=tthr;pwd=timesten;dsn=cachedb1;oraclepwd=oracle"
????Command> passthrough 3
????Command> select * from product_component_version;
????< NLSRTL ?? Production >
????< Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition ?? 64bit Production >
????< PL/SQL ?? Production >
????< TNS for Linux: ?? Production >
????Command> passthrough 0
????Command> call ttversion;
????< 11?? 2?? 2?? 6?? 2 >
????????? passthrough 3?????????Oracle????У?passthrough 0?????TimesTen??????С?