您的位置:軟件測試 > 開源軟件測試 > 開源功能測試工具 > Selenium
作者:網(wǎng)絡轉載 發(fā)布時間:[ 2016/1/12 13:46:17 ] 推薦標簽:軟件測試工具 功能測試

1 /**
2      * 判斷對象是否存在
3      * @param key
4      * @param replace
5      * @return
6      */
7     public boolean isExist(String key,String[] replace){
8         By by=this.getBy(key, replace);
9         return driver.findElements(by).size()>0?true:false;
10     }
1 public void sleep(int sec){
2         try {
3             Thread.sleep(sec*1000);
4         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
5             e.printStackTrace();
6         }
7     }
1 public void click(){
2         log.info("click the element:"+key);
3         element.click();
4     }
6     public void sendKeys(String value){
7         log.info("type the value:"+value+" to element:"+key);
8         element.sendKeys(value);
9     }
11     public void selectKeys(String text){
12         log.info("select the text:"+text+" to element:"+key);
13         Select select=new Select(element);
14         select.selectByVisibleText(text);
15     }
1 public void moveToElement(){
2         log.info("move to element: "+key);
3         Actions action = new Actions(driver);
4         action.moveToElement(element).perform();
5     }
7     public void executeJS(String js){
8         log.info("execute the js: "+js+" at element: "+key);
9         ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(js, element);
10     }
12     public void waitClickToLoad(){
13         log.info("click the element:"+key);
14         WebDriverWait waitLoad = new WebDriverWait(driver,Config.waitTime);
15         waitLoad.until(new ExpectedCondition<WebElement>(){
16             @Override
17             public WebElement apply(WebDriver d) {
18                 return element;
19             }}).click();
20     }
22     public void switchToFrame(int index){
23         if(index==-1){
24             log.info("返回默認窗口");
25             driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
26             log.info("返回默認窗口成功");
27         }else{
28             log.info("切換到第一個frame");
29             driver.switchTo().frame(index);
30         }
31     }

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