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解決bugfree 配置郵箱問題
作者:網(wǎng)絡(luò)轉(zhuǎn)載 發(fā)布時(shí)間:[ 2014/1/13 13:27:27 ] 推薦標(biāo)簽:bugfree 配置 bug



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/* 8. Mail setting. */ 
$_CFG['Mail']['On']          = true;//開啟郵箱服務(wù)  
$_CFG['Mail']['FromAddress'] = "bugfree@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}";//發(fā)送郵件的郵箱地址。  
$_CFG['Mail']['FromName']    = 'BugFree';//發(fā)送郵件名,不一定是郵箱地址的用戶名  
$_CFG['Mail']['ReportTo']    = array();  // Where bug statistics message sened to. If empty, to all users.  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendMethod']  = 'SMTP';   // MAIL|SENDMAIL|SMTP|QMAIL  
/* 9. SMTP param setting. */ 
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Host']     = '';       // The server to connect. Default is localhost。這里是指的郵件服務(wù)器,如果你安裝bugfree上沒有郵件服務(wù)器,可以使用其他郵件服務(wù)器,比如163,地址即為stmp.163.com  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['SMTPAuth'] = false;    // Whether or not to use SMTP authentication. Default is FALSE。這里要改成true  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Username'] = '';       // The username to use for SMTP authentication.//用戶名  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Password'] = '';       // The password to use for SMTP authentication.//密碼 
/* 8. Mail setting. */
$_CFG['Mail']['On']          = true;//開啟郵箱服務(wù)
$_CFG['Mail']['FromAddress'] = "bugfree@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}";//發(fā)送郵件的郵箱地址。
$_CFG['Mail']['FromName']    = 'BugFree';//發(fā)送郵件名,不一定是郵箱地址的用戶名
$_CFG['Mail']['ReportTo']    = array();  // Where bug statistics message sened to. If empty, to all users.
$_CFG['Mail']['SendMethod']  = 'SMTP';   // MAIL|SENDMAIL|SMTP|QMAIL

/* 9. SMTP param setting. */
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Host']     = '';       // The server to connect. Default is localhost。這里是指的郵件服務(wù)器,如果你安裝bugfree上沒有郵件服務(wù)器,可以使用其他郵件服務(wù)器,比如163,地址即為stmp.163.com
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['SMTPAuth'] = false;    // Whether or not to use SMTP authentication. Default is FALSE。這里要改成true
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Username'] = '';       // The username to use for SMTP authentication.//用戶名
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Password'] = '';       // The password to use for SMTP authentication.//密碼

修改為如下,我使用的是自己在163上注冊的郵箱地址 casilin2005@163.com

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/* 8. Mail setting. */ 
$_CFG['Mail']['On']          = true;  
$_CFG['Mail']['FromAddress'] = "casilin2005@163.com";  
$_CFG['Mail']['FromName']    = 'BugFree';  
$_CFG['Mail']['ReportTo']    = array();  // Where bug statistics message sened to. If empty, to all users.  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendMethod']  = 'SMTP';   // MAIL|SENDMAIL|SMTP|QMAIL  
/* 9. SMTP param setting. */ 
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Host']     = 'smtp.163.com';       // The server to connect. Default is localhost  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['SMTPAuth'] = true;    // Whether or not to use SMTP authentication. Default is FALSE  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Username'] = 'casilin2005';       // The username to use for SMTP authentication.  
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Password'] = '123456';       // The password to use for SMTP authentication. 

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